Nobody wants crooked or misaligned teeth as they not only look ugly but can also make cleaning teeth difficult. Luckily patients today have orthodontic options to choose between – INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES and traditional braces.

If you want to get perfectly straight teeth for a great new smile without wearing traditional “metal braces?” INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES align your teeth faster than traditional metal braces and are more comfortable, and virtually invisible.


  • They are a system of removable clear aligners that fit over your teeth for a nearly
    invisible result.
  • Every few weeks you’ll receive new clear orthodontic aligner trays that will move your teeth slowly towards their new position.
  • Clear Braces treatment usually takes about a year on average.

Invisible / clear braces are faster, more comfortable to wear, and are nearly invisible while you’re wearing them.

Advantages of Using INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES ?

  • The benefits of clear braces have become evident as growing numbers of adult patients have taken up clear braces.
  • Adults are now able to improve the appearance and function of their smile without attaching the stigma of a metal mouth.

Invisible / Clear Braces Look Better

  • Orthodontic clear braces are great for those who are self-conscious about the appearance of braces, as they’re practically unnoticeable to the naked eye.
  • Researchers believe that adults feel comfortable with orthodontic care later in life, all due to innovative changes in the field and the benefits of clear braces for adults.
  • Whereas, traditional braces can cause the appearance of the mouth to be unattractive as it is filled with awkward chunks of unsightly metal.

Invisible /  Clear Braces are Removable

  • Clear orthodontic braces can be removed for special events or for eating so you dont have to worry about food getting stuck in your braces.
  • But with traditional metal braces attached to someones teeth, the braces must remain in place until they are professionally removed. 

Invisible /  Clear Braces Reduce Damage to Teeth and Gums

  • Metal braces contain wire and protruding bits of metal that can puncture and
    scratch the mouth and gums from inside. Orthodontic CLEAR BRACES are smooth and comfortable. They do not include any sharp edges or protruding edges or bits.
  • Metal braces can affect demineralization and decaying teeth. On the opposite side, INVISIBLE  BRACES reduce the damage normally caused by wearing braces,
    including gum disease and cavities.

How is this done ?

In considering INVISIBLE BRACES, patients undergo treatment planning that is fully computerized.

We use a sophisticated new 3D imaging technology to get information about your teeth and bite.

Then, we will create your orthodontic plan for your smile with a computerized “blueprint” for constructing your Invisalign braces.

Finally your data will be sent to the lab where a custom series of acrylic aligners will be manufactured in a computerized machine.

You’ll wear each aligner for about two weeks and then move on to the next set. Each set of aligners moves your teeth closer to the desired final outcome – a great new smile with perfectly aligned teeth! You’ll need to visit us about every four to six weeks to check the progress of your teeth.

  • So now you know exactly what to expect and how long they will need the braces before they begin wearing them. Metal braces can be a trial-and-error situation that gives no clear idea of what is to come.
  • It is clear with the above information that INVISIBLE BRACES  are much better option to straighten your teeth. 

 And best of all… no wires, bands, or adjustment visits are required!


Nobody wants crooked or misaligned teeth as they not only look ugly but can also make cleaning teeth difficult. Luckily patients today have orthodontic options to choose between – INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES and traditional braces.

If you want to get perfectly straight teeth for a great new smile without wearing traditional “metal braces?” INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES align your teeth faster than traditional metal braces and are more comfortable, and virtually invisible.


  • They are a system of removable clear aligners that fit over your teeth for a nearly
    invisible result.
  • Every few weeks you’ll receive new clear orthodontic aligner trays that will move your teeth slowly towards their new position.
  • Clear Braces treatment usually takes about a year on average.

Invisible / clear braces are faster, more comfortable to wear, and are nearly invisible while you’re wearing them.

Advantages of Using INVISIBLE / CLEAR BRACES ?

  • The benefits of clear braces have become evident as growing numbers of adult patients have taken up clear braces.
  • Adults are now able to improve the appearance and function of their smile without attaching the stigma of a metal mouth.

Invisible / Clear Braces Look Better

  • Orthodontic clear braces are great for those who are self-conscious about the appearance of braces, as they’re practically unnoticeable to the naked eye.
  • Researchers believe that adults feel comfortable with orthodontic care later in life, all due to innovative changes in the field and the benefits of clear braces for adults.
  • Whereas, traditional braces can cause the appearance of the mouth to be unattractive as it is filled with awkward chunks of unsightly metal.

Invisible /  Clear Braces are Removable

  • Clear orthodontic braces can be removed for special events or for eating so you dont have to worry about food getting stuck in your braces.
  • But with traditional metal braces attached to someones teeth, the braces must remain in place until they are professionally removed. 

Invisible /  Clear Braces Reduce Damage to Teeth and Gums

  • Metal braces contain wire and protruding bits of metal that can puncture and
    scratch the mouth and gums from inside. Orthodontic CLEAR BRACES are smooth and comfortable. They do not include any sharp edges or protruding edges or bits.
  • Metal braces can affect demineralization and decaying teeth. On the opposite side, INVISIBLE  BRACES reduce the damage normally caused by wearing braces,
    including gum disease and cavities.

How is this done ?

In considering INVISIBLE BRACES, patients undergo treatment planning that is fully computerized.

We use a sophisticated new 3D imaging technology to get information about your teeth and bite.

Then, we will create your orthodontic plan for your smile with a computerized “blueprint” for constructing your Invisalign braces.

Finally your data will be sent to the lab where a custom series of acrylic aligners will be manufactured in a computerized machine.

You’ll wear each aligner for about two weeks and then move on to the next set. Each set of aligners moves your teeth closer to the desired final outcome – a great new smile with perfectly aligned teeth! You’ll need to visit us about every four to six weeks to check the progress of your teeth.

  • So now you know exactly what to expect and how long they will need the braces before they begin wearing them. Metal braces can be a trial-and-error situation that gives no clear idea of what is to come.
  • It is clear with the above information that INVISIBLE BRACES  are much better option to straighten your teeth. 

 And best of all… no wires, bands, or adjustment visits are required!

  • If you are looking for a dentist who is a provider for INVISIBLE BRACES  in Hyderabad, then Dr Shirisha’s Dental Studio is your destination. We are specialized in INVISIBLE BRACES TECHNOLOGY and are trained to provide you with custom-fit aligners that will correct your smile with the greatest comfort and convenience.
Dr Shirisha Reddy
Dr Shirisha Reddy
Articles: 24